Organizational Development / Lode Peeters – CEO, Tobania

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Organizational Development / Lode Peeters – CEO, Tobania

“When we were planning to merge (TOBIUS and Saga into TOBANIA), my role as the managing director of a new organization made me understand very quickly that it would be very important to have professional counseling during the transition period. The transformation path we ventured on wasn’t a minor one: from now on, we would play in the ‘premier league’. This means that you can’t afford a running-in period that lasts for years. That is why we asked Aspiria to support us on three levels: in coaching the management team, in stimulating the group dynamics throughout every division and in guiding the entire organization in its transformation. Our objectives were to arm our managers to take leadership over bigger teams and business units, improve internal communication to support faster bonding, and counter the fusion pains the implementation of a new organizational model causes in an early stage. We saw results very early, thanks to the considerable efforts by Aspiria. I believe that these will contribute to the further successful development of our organization. Aspiria’s pragmatic, no-nonsense approach, the availability and participation of their experienced coaches and the way they integrate their understanding of business economics in their consulting activities were all aspects that added value to our transformation project.” Lode Peeters – CEO, Tobania


Last modified: December 23, 2016