Organizational Development

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Transform your organization by managing aspirations

‘Disruptive’ is one of today’s key buzzwords. The impact of digitization and globalization on the way businesses change and grow has been tremendous, and it hasn’t reached its endpoint yet. Old business models are being challenged, customer demands are shifting beyond traditional offerings, markets are disappearing and new markets are emerging every day.

In this context, maintaining the status quo is not an option. You have to adapt your company to a whole new environment – which could be your worst nightmare … or a dream come true if you like a good challenge in the morning.

From A to B in one straight line?

Developing a strategy to adapt your company can seem straightforward: digitize processes, spark innovation, acquire or merge companies, align all employees on the new approach … it sounds so easy. But reality often turns out to be much more complex. In fact, studies show that up to 80% of company transformations fail.

Getting from A to B is rarely done in one straight line. Translating strategy into tactics and actions can result in hiccups. Some of these obstacles are clear-cut and can easily be surpassed with some smart thinking. Others lurk beneath the surface: hidden agendas or reluctance to change may result in power games or aggravate frustrations.

Oh, it’s lonely at the top

Don’t get stuck at the top with your marvelously crafted strategy. The people around you can share and support your aspirations, if you help them understand where you’re heading. Make sure that your organizational structure allows them to achieve their own aspirations, and be ready to embrace a new culture to support the transformation. Reengineering a business model goes beyond objectives and processes: it affects your organization’s DNA.

Let us join you for the ride

Transformation challenges the boundaries of Human Resource Management. Simply paying (or sanctioning) people to do a job doesn’t cut it anymore. Managing a transformation track requires a helicopter view on where your organization is heading. You need to create a context in which people can pursue their own aspirations, supporting one common goal. This is where Aspiria can help you: manage aspirations.

As Chief Transformation Officer (CTransO), we fill the gap that’s often found between strategy and execution. Because, however beautiful the strategy is, you’ll need people to help achieve it.

Can your organization benefit from the Aspiria approach?

If any of these descriptions fit your situation, then Aspiria can help.

  • You know where your company’s heading, but you’re not sure which course to follow to get there.
  • You don’t know where your company is heading, and you’re feeling lost in the dark.
  • You know that your company wants to change course, and also strengthen the focus on people.
  • You’re focused on innovation and want to review and possibly overhaul established work processes.
  • Your managers want to define their aspirations, and set a path to reach their own career goals.

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Last modified: January 12, 2017